Korean Grammar Notes TTMIK
Book 2: lesson 15

Only / 만

Using -만 is one of the most widely used and basic ways of saying “only“. Simply add -만 after a noun, pronoun, or noun form (-기) of a verb.

  1. Adding -만 afer nouns and pronouns

이것만 사 거예요 = I will only buy this

저만 들었어요 = Only i heard

아침에는 커피만 마셔요 = I only drink coffee in the morning.

아침에만 커피를 마셔요 = I drink coffee only in the morning.

  1. Adding -만 after noun form of verbs

듣다 = to hear; to listen

듣기 = listening (noun form)

듣기만 하다 = I only listened

보다 = to see; to look

보기 = seeing; looking

보기만 하다 = to only see; to just look

보기만 할 거예요 = I will only look (and not touch it)