Korean Grammar Notes TTMIK
Book 1: lesson 18

Location Marking Particles / μ–΄λ””, -에, μ—μ„œ

μ–΄λ”” = where, which place

μ–΄λ”” κ°€κ³  μ‹Άμ–΄μš”

Q: Why use location marking particles?

A: Whereas it is POSSIBLE to make sentences without location marking particles (as in the example above: μ–΄λ”” κ°€κ³  μ‹Άμ–΄μš”?), by using the right location marking particles, you can make your message very clear. There are many location particles in Korean, but let us look at the two most basic principles -에 and -μ—μ„œ.

-에 = at, to, in


Noun + -에

-μ—μ„œ = at, in, from


Noun + -μ—μ„œ

-μ—μ„œ expresses:

  1. a location where an action is taking place(ex. I studied at the library. / I met my friends in Seoul.)
  2. the meaning of β€œfromβ€œ a place. (ex. I came from Seoul./ The package came from Spain.)

The difference between -에 and -μ—μ„œ

-에 expresses location where something β€œisβ€œ or β€œexistsβ€œ, or a direction that you are going toward.

-μ—μ„œ expresses a location where an action is taking place.